Thursday 5 May 2011

Somehow its just not as it seems.............................

Feeling so much Truth tonight........only again revealing so many others pain...with the goal of  true healing of course ....
I think once a martyr always a martyr ..... as so many people mean well , but when the TRUTH is revealed  its either received or rejected ? When received there is true healing.  When rejected they only continue to cause so much more pain , Hum no risk , no gain , but too many times so much pain:( so I / we will continue to fight the good fight! If ya know what I /we mean? :) All He was saying was Give Peace a chance ............:) JC and JL:)

Sunday 1 May 2011

I just lost someone ............special

I may just confuse most of you all again :(, but as much as I loved Martin Luther King Jr I also loved , met , and Served David Wilkerson in New York way back in 1987......
When the spirit says move ..... Sing ..... Dance....... clean up somebody's puke, you do it!

Times Square Church Founder David Wilkerson Dies in Accident

“I saw 9-, 10- and 11-year-old kids bombed on crack cocaine. I walked down 42nd Street and they were selling crack. Len Bias, the famous basketball player, had just died of a crack overdose, and the pusher was yelling, ‘Hey, I’ve got the stuff that killed Len,’” recalled Wilkerson, according to the Times Square Church website.
“I wept and prayed, ‘God, you’ve got to raise up a testimony in this hellish place … The answer was not what I wanted to hear: ‘Well, you know the city. You’ve been here. You do it.’”
In October 1987, Wilkerson opened Times Square Church in Town Hall. The church was later moved to its present location, the Mark Hellinger Theater.
Wow time moves so quickly:(  been there done that! We will ALL miss him.....

Saturday 30 April 2011

Failure : the Back Door to Success! An Excerpt by Erwin W. Lutzer- Commentary by Alan Waugh

Its one thing to understand, its another to experience it...............HIS WILL

You give and take away
You give and take away
My heart will choose to say
Lord, Blessed be your name............

We tend to blame others for our failures , and take credit for our success....

By what standard does God measure success?

This book is written for those who believe they are failures and for those who falsely believe they aren't! It is a message of hope for those who are filled with regret; it is a message designed to disturb those who mistakenly feel they have " made it" in life.

If money is a basis of judging success or failure, it is obvious that Jesus Christ was a failure!
Consider this : when HE had to pay taxes , He asked Peter to find a coin in a fish's mouth.
Why? He didn't have a coin of His own!

Christ was born under the shelter of a stables roof. Most of us would be appalled if our children could not be born in a modern hospital!

When He died , the soldiers cast lots for His garment. That was all He owned of this worlds goods.
He died naked , in the presence of gawking bystanders.

Was Christ a failure? Yes if money was the standard by which he was judged. The foxes have holes , the birds of the air have nests, but the SON of man did not have a place He could call home.

Of course earning money ( and even saving some ) is both legitimate and necessary. But the amount we earn is not a barometer of God's blessing. The sun rises on the righteous as well as the wicked.
In fact, it is usually the wicked who prosper and God's children who are often penniless.

Yet, even Christians ( who above all people on earth should know better) still think they are better or worse than others because of the amount they earn! Money does not commend us to God!

Remember the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?

In the book of James , worldliness is specifically described as an attitude of personal favoritism. It is seeking the friendship of the rich and famous and ignoring the poor. ( James 2: 1-10 )

Take Heart ! When Christ was on earth He predicted that someday Peter would have his hands stretched out and someone else would clothe him and car him where he did not wish to go , that is , to his martyrdom. When Peter heard this , he was distressed. He wondered what would happen to his friend John. Would he live until Christ returned , or would he die a horrible death too?
So Peter asked , " Lord and what about this man?"

Christ's reply. " If I want him to remain until I come , what is that to you? YOU FOLLOW ME !
( John 21:21-22)

If God wishes to bless others with more than us , if they are famous and we are unknown, if they are wealthy and we are poor, if they are gifted and we are mediocre- what is that to us? Christ says to us individually , You follow ME!"

A spirit of comparison is worldly, and carnal. Read Paul's words carefully : " For we are not bold to class or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves , and compare themselves with themselves , they are without understanding" ( 2 Co 10:12 )

As Christ would say, " You follow ME!"

Heaven will be filled with surprises! Many "successful" Christians will be nobodies and some whose lives were strewn with the wreckage of one failure after another will be great in the kingdom.

Most of us have unclear ( usually false) notions of success. We hear testimonies of converted movie stars , professional singers , or those who are "successful" in some vocation. Unconsciously , we assume that all Christians should be like them.

Perhaps we have forgotten that not many wise, noble, and mighty are chosen by God. We judge ourselves and others by a false standard.

A few noble, wise and gifted are called. But they are the exceptions. God usually chooses the weak , the ordinary, and the Despised.

Why then do so many of us believe we are failures ?

Perhaps we have we have a totally false notion of success.

As Christ would say, " You follow ME!"

Friday 29 April 2011


I have nothing to complain about , yet I still feel. The path is So narrow , So exciting , So very humbling , So trying , So rewarding ,and upon true surrender The Lover of our Souls, asks us to drink from the cup in our garden , gives us the desires of our hearts, and asks for our service, in His great Love affair with ALL HIS CREATION !
Will you come to the Dance?

Tuesday 26 April 2011


1. Urban Excursions are an arts, culture, & social justice experience. Teams of youth, university/college students, adults, social agencies, media, corporate executives, artists, etc. come from all over the world to Toronto to experience a week in other peoples shoes.

Amidst a world full of people, somehow many, from the bank executive to the homeless man, are dying from loneliness and isolation. We all need to be re-sensitized, aware, and active to offer what we can when we see the moment of need. UrbanEx creates space for people to live and process life intentionally, to see themselves for who they are, and to see others as the unique and beautiful people they are. Through intense hands-on experiences teams learn to embrace adversity, examine their character, and face many of their fears and prejudices. Participants are transformed to go back a more loving & more engaged member of their own communities, understanding themselves and others and how those beautifully intertwine.

2. UrbanEx Advocacy networks agencies, corporations, communities, and individuals together. As community advocates we create new opportunities to facilitate effective social conflict resolution strategies.

3. UrbanEx conducts speaking and mobilization seminars, presentations, and training exercises. We provide leadership to share knowledge, ideas, and experience to see our entire community actively engaged with each other resulting in effective change.

UrbanEx is pretty intense because you can't measure its worth by tasks accomplished, rather you must reflect upon how deeply it reforms your heart and through the process you will learn that in order to change the world you must first change how you occur in it.

Come and journey.

Em Johnson : Founder & Director of UrbanEx.

Alan Waugh: Founder/Associate Director

(See below for Urban Ex alumni reviews)...................

Em and UrbanEx has shown me how to engage a culture that has been longing for humans to occur authentically. - Brian Anderberg (South Dakota)

Thanks for your time and helping our students have new eyes for the Kitchener downtown. - UW Inter-varsity Group

Thanks for inspiring me more than you know and for showing me that love really is the first thing we need. I'm not bold or outgoing. But I know it's not bad now to smile at someone who is passing or waiting. I think I'm not as shy when talking and more willing to have a conversation. That doesn't mean I know how to start one but I kinda know how to keep it up.- Abigail (South Dakota)

I will never be the same. Before going to Toronto for UrbanEx I had been experiencing life in a one-sided sort of way. Everything that happened I wanted to control and allow through my view of how I should experience life. After UrbanEx I realized that living in a controlled environment is very limiting. Through the people of UrbanEx--who come from ALL walks of life--I have allowed my life to become experienced in a more uncontrolled, moment by moment way. - Natalie Noble (Oklahoma)

I think that my whole mind set has changed about how to approach people. I'm definitely not so judgmental but more loving. I loved what I learned there.This trip made me realize how much people no matter who you are need love and compassion. - Alison (South Dakota)

While on my trip with urban Ex.......i realized just how important DIGNITY is to all people no matter what state or condition they are in. Dignity is an important part of everyone's life...and we as people need to remember and respect that. I have a story about after I returned home from UrbanEx..I was in Caro, Michigan...sitting by a river about two weeks ago and this traveler came up and began looking for items in the trash....I remembered I had some snacks with me so I gave them to him....he cried! I still felt the need to do more...he did not want to tell me his name because of fear I would report him to the I just let it go....but I still wanted to do more, so I packed up my items after he left and drove to the nearest gas station and just filled a bag with snacks and beverages and sandwiches just anything i could think and looked up this gentleman.......His reply when i handed him the bag was"why are you doing this?" People don't do things like this anymore? - Sarah Proffitt (Michigan)

I went into my first Urban Ex experience with my usual skeptical sensibility... I came out realizing those I'd ignored for so long are no different than you or I - it's all about the curve balls life throws us - and that all people are really wanting is a kind word, a gentle touch, their dignity restored and recognized... I find myself looking in the dark recesses of life I used to shun. My eyes are now aware of that wooden palette someone used for a bed under the overpass last night or where I might find the best place to seek shelter from the elements on a cold day... I start each day now wondering about the people I've met and I'm proud to call them my friends... Thanks for all you do, Em, to open the eyes of so many...- Ron Trumble (Oklahoma)

"Urban Excursion made me think deeply. As a person who is also very passionate about giving a voice to the voiceless, and being an advocate to anyone in need and offering dignity to everyone I meet I found this experience still transformed me. We encounter moments of truth everyday. Its up to us what we do with those opportunities. And there were so many........My two highlights were: Sitting on the sidewalk on a hot sunny day with a soap carver , so many busy people raced by , I sat with this artist as he shared great wisdom and got to know me , then created some beautiful pieces for me and as I sat there and engaged with him I just felt so centered. The second highlight: A person who had no money for food asked me for $2.67 to buy a Hot Dog, I stopped and engaged and gave him $5.00. He wanted to give me the change I said 'no buy a drink or something' , he was very grateful. Later that evening as we were winding down for the night he was walking by and excitedly called out my name, and came over to say thank you again. He introduced me to his girlfriend who was having a really rough time just out of detox. He told her I gave him the money they got the hot dog with.She asked if I could buy her one & I was upset cause we had given all our money away. So then I risked what I learned from Em as a value taught in Urban Excursion regarding the power of intentional connection ( ie, hugs, listening, eye to eye contact, etc.) I said 'I am so sorry I have no money left but what I do have is a hug. Can I hug you?' Well we embraced and I teared up as she did as well and she said 'You know what? If people would just give more hugs it would help me feel better & maybe I would do less crack.' And then everyone started hugging, it became a hugfest on Queen St.......To me Urban Excursion is the most effective and efficient life changing , team collaboration experience I have ever participated in. To think that every urban community is essentially the same. What a wonderful way to start making effective change in our world by flying in a group of executives, youth groups, university students , any group or team from anywhere in the world to experience Urban Excursion and go back to whence you came transformed and ready to change your world starting with where YOU are!" - Alan Waugh (Kitchener, ON)

UrbanEx believes you can "Change the world by changing you."

UrbanEx believes you can "Change the world by changing you."
it is an arts, culture, and social justice experience

Available to: corporate groups, bands, youth groups, university groups, individuals, etc.
(for groups up to 20 people / recommended for ages 13 & up)

Some of my favorite quotes from “Lover of my Soul” .......a book by Alan D. Wright

Some of my favorite quotes from “Lover of my Soul” .......a book by Alan D. Wright

"Let Him take us to a place …..............The Bridegroom and His Bride “the


“What a wonderful interweaving of womanly beauty! Pretty, but

unpretentious. Winsome but wise . Playful but mysterious!”

“ Junk food stops the growl but contaminates the body likewise, lust and

superficial relationships stop the growl momentarily ,but contaminate the


“Christ wants more than your public religious activities, He wants to know


“Worship becomes a wonder, Prayer a privilege ,Servant hood , a fragrant


“ in true courtship there is no room for pride . The suitor must pour out

his heart...........

a gentleman doesn't want to consume his sweetheart , he wants to commune

with her, most of all he wants her to want him”

“ He came not to scare us into submission but to woo us into fellowship”

“instead of consuming you , the decided to court you”

“He not only let us touch Him, He lets us tear Him, He not only let us

stroke Him , He let us strike Him”

“ He'll stand beneath your bedroom window and sing ballads with angels until

you notice there's a heavenly choir in your life. He'll cry out at midnight

, wake up the neighbors and rouse you from your slumber until you finally

poke your head out the window of your soul to hear His voice”

“ He sent His Spirit into the world to woo , pursue and win a bride for the

Prince of Peace . The matchmaker found you.”

“ Father I want those you have given to me to be with me where I am “ ( John

17:24). No one comes to Jesus except the Father draws him( John 6:44) From eternity the Father

pointed past a million galaxies  to you on the planet Earth and declared , ….... “ There she is Son , Go Love Her”

“ I suppose I would have to marry a harlot in order to comprehend what it

was like for Jesus to invite me to the altar”

“ This is your Bride son , Go take yourself an adulterous Wife”

“ Therefore I am now going to allure her , I will lead her into the desert

and speak tenderly to her”

“ I want you to treat me as your husband instead of as a customer . ( Hum

MM) I know how you sought to please them just so they would pay you. I want

your heart to beat with passion toward me. I want your soul to stir and

your whole body tingle at my touch . I want your passion and your affection

and your whole attention . Love is all I want my beloved Love”

“ Love the lord God with all your Heart with all your Soul , with all your

strength …...and Love your neighbor as yourself”

“The world waits for you to prove your worth , then calls you wonderful. God

blesses you and then watches your life become beautiful to fulfill the

promises of His Words ...”

“ Of course it's not physical beauty God is after its inner splendor”

“Jesus Christ , is the one husband who actually make His Bride whatever He

wants her to be”

“ The One who chose you as His Bride , is the One who made you”

“ If your maker is your Husband , it means you don't have to be beautiful

before he'll marry you”

“ Do you know the difference between observation and a gaze ?”

“ An observation is a fact finding Mission , A gaze is a deeper look , not

for the purpose of discovering information , but for the sake of enjoyment.

A gaze is more like absorbing than observing ...”

“ An invitation to gaze upon the Lords loveliness , not for education but

for enjoyment., Worshiping the beauty of God's Holiness is an opportunity to

become lost in His Splendor.”

“it is possible to be quite busy in the church but unwed to the Lord (

Depart from Me I never KNEW you) To talk about Him , teach about Him, even

tell about Him , but have no authentic intimacy.”

“ Watch the way a new bride beholds her groom. When he comes into her

presence , she stops whats she's doing . She looks , she smiles , she


“ What does the groom want ? , her gaze!”

“God the heavenly bridegroom , delights in answering your prayers ,

comforting your hurts , and protecting you from harm. But my garden visit

reminded me , our Prince is not primarily useful – He is BEAUTIFUL!”

“ be glad your hero is also your husband”

“God the Father sent His Spirit into the world to seek a match for His only

Son. He noticed YOU. It was love at first sight. His affection feel upon you

. He wooed you, enticed you allured you. He paid an enormous bride price at

a place called Golgotha . And when you consented to His betrothal agreement

, you became His Bride His betrothed.”

“every time your wick burns brightly someone wants to take your oil”

“ Think about it , you can have worship so beautiful that everyone hears the

brush of angels wings , but somebody doesn't like the color of the communion

table cloth:”

“ In this world you will have troubles ( John 16:33 ) He cautioned them “I

am sending out like sheep among wolves . Therefore be as shrewd as snakes

and as innocent as doves “ ( Matthew 10:16 )

“ when God wants you near , He'll whisper as Lovers do.”

“The closer you are , the softer you speak. A bridegroom doesn't shout

intimate words from his pillow to the bride in his arms . He whispers them

in her ear.”

“ When God draws near to you, keep a Holy hush and wait for His whisper.”

A Husbands GOOD NIGHT!

“ Good night my sleeping beauty . I enjoyed our evening together”

“ Could we do this again sometime? Stay up all night just talking , giggling

and dreaming. A lifetime of all-night conversations could never quench my

thirst to Know You.”